Forum Replies Created

  • Chloe

    November 27, 2020 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Chloe’s Log – First time mum to first time competitor

    Oh yes! “Me time” at the gym is the best!


  • Chloe

    November 27, 2020 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Chloe’s Log – First time mum to first time competitor

    Do you have a set time that you train or do you play it by ear around your children and work etc?


    Instagram @ClareBarksPT | – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Hey Clare, workouts at home are around nap times when my little boy is home. When he is at childcare I workout on my lunch break.
    Pre baby I use to always work out first thing before work. That’s impossible now through the week, but still manage first thing on a weekend as my partner isn’t at work.
    I always try to avoid the gym after work as it’s always too busy for me.


  • Chloe

    November 25, 2020 at 7:38 pm in reply to: Relentless – Clare’s 2021 Season

    Back and Biceps today and strength is again creeping up.. bit more fat on the old bones and things will begin to feel very nice indeed!
    I’m not sure when I plan to compete again next year, but I want to have a productive off season before even contemplating another prep, so there’s going to be a lot of training fun ahead!
    The rest of the day has been spent sorting out some work stuff and going to the Dentist to have my braces tweaked and adjusted.. There was a lot of yanking and pulling and I feel like my teeth are in a clamp right now, so it may well be a liquidised Meal 5 coming up!.. and I’ve been warned I may need pain killers tonight.. Oh joy! Extra CURE-COMING and JOIN-IN for me before bed :-/
    Instagram @ClareBarksPT | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    How long have you had braces for Clare? Best thing I ever did was get braces again (didn’t look after them as a teenager). Had mine taken off a couple years ago now.
    Eating is so painful after an adjustment! ?
    Hey Chloe. They were fitted August last year and should be out in another few months. My teeth weren’t terrible, but a little overcrowded and I’ve always been very self conscious of them. I always felt I needed to cover my mouth when I smiled. I’ve got fixed braces both top and bottom and they’ve taken ALOT of getting used to!..Pain when eating, scratched cheeks, bitten lips, mangled food in between and headaches when they get adjusted, but lets hope it’ll all be worth it and I come out the other side looking like Rylan Clark ??


    Instagram @ClareBarksPT | – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Completely get it! I was the same. You definitely won’t be covering your mouth when you have them taken off. It’s the best feeling ? I had my gums shaved too (sounds worse than it is ?)


  • Chloe

    November 25, 2020 at 6:07 pm in reply to: Relentless – Clare’s 2021 Season

    Back and Biceps today and strength is again creeping up.. bit more fat on the old bones and things will begin to feel very nice indeed!
    I’m not sure when I plan to compete again next year, but I want to have a productive off season before even contemplating another prep, so there’s going to be a lot of training fun ahead!
    The rest of the day has been spent sorting out some work stuff and going to the Dentist to have my braces tweaked and adjusted.. There was a lot of yanking and pulling and I feel like my teeth are in a clamp right now, so it may well be a liquidised Meal 5 coming up!.. and I’ve been warned I may need pain killers tonight.. Oh joy! Extra CURE-COMING and JOIN-IN for me before bed :-/


    Instagram @ClareBarksPT | – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market.

    How long have you had braces for Clare? Best thing I ever did was get braces again (didn’t look after them as a teenager). Had mine taken off a couple years ago now.

    Eating is so painful after an adjustment! ?


  • Chloe

    November 23, 2020 at 1:12 pm in reply to: Chloe’s Log – First time mum to first time competitor

    Hey everyone ??

    Had a rest day yesterday.

    Legs today from my “home gym”.

    Luckily when I was pregnant I invested in some kit as I knew once my little boy was here it would be more challenging to get to the gym.

    My set up at home isn’t perfect but gets the job done.

    I currently work full time in the corporate world of financial planning. I have actually only been in the office twice since returning from maternity in June. I love working from home as fitting in my training around childcare and work is a lot easier. Hope I can do it indefinitely ??

    Today’s workout ??

    4x 15 sumo squats
    4x 12 step ups, each leg
    4x 12 hip thrusts
    4X 15 DB deadlift.
    3x 12 bulgarian split squat
    3x 20 seated band abduction

    How is everyone finding training this time round in lockdown?

    Fingers crossed for today’s parliamentary debate on gyms. Hoping what the media has leaked is true.

    Chloe x


  • Chloe

    November 21, 2020 at 8:58 pm in reply to: Chloe’s Log – First time mum to first time competitor

    Yay.. Glad you decided to start a Log. I’ll be following along for sure ?
    As a Mum, I understand the obstacles you may face, but I also know that you need to remember that YOU matter too and that you don’t have to solely live for your children. Always follow your own dreams and aspirations too and take the time and energy to take care of yourself and your own needs.
    Use the forums to ask any questions you may have and you can always ask me advice on my Log too.
    ….and you’ve made FANTASTIC progress so far Chloe.. well done!


    Instagram @ClareBarksPT | – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Thank you Clare, that means a lot ?

    I have heard so many people say “your life/body is ruined once you have children”

    I feel I’m healthier now then when I was in my 20s pre baby. Plus training helps keep my sanity, so I’ll never give it up! ?


  • Chloe

    November 21, 2020 at 3:44 pm in reply to: Chloe’s Log – First time mum to first time competitor

    Hi Chloe, great to have you here ! you already look amazing well done ? def will read that log !


    follow me on Instagram: lara_tasharofi_ifbbpro

    Cheers Lara ?


  • Chloe

    November 21, 2020 at 10:46 am in reply to: Relentless – Clare’s 2021 Season

    Looking forward to following you along Clare! x
